Cities and Villages: Harduf

Gtc General Trading Co Ltd

15 HaMehkar, ASHDOD 7752000, Israel

Phone +972-53-2220005
Fax +972-8-6750853
Opening hours Sun - Thu 08:00-17:00
CategoryIndustrial equipmentContainers and packaging materials
G.T.C. General Trading Company Ltd., deals in the field of mechanization
For the food industry, packaging materials, providing service for packaging machines in all food fields and sectors in Israel.

The company has about 70 employees, including 10 salespeople, 4 technicians who provide service for mechanization throughout the country.
The company is economically based and profitable, the financial situation of the company is solid
and allows her to advance, grow and expand her customer base which currently numbers 1500 customers.
The company has warehouses and offices that sit on real estate of about 8,000 meters and are a main distribution center from which several trucks depart per day for deliveries throughout the country.

The materials sold by the company and are in stock on an ongoing basis:
P.V.C rolls (adhesive nylon), vacuum bags, shrink vacuum bags, stretch wrap for surface wrapping, shrink P.V.C rolls, polyolefin rolls, aluminum foil, aluminum molds, cold trays, disposable tools, knives, pins for calipers, stainless steel gloves, food scissors and skewers.