Cities and Villages: Elifaz

Melgol Ltd

14 Hamasger, HOD HASHARON 4524814, Israel

Phone +972-3-6150716
Fax +972-3-5782414
Opening hours Sun - Thu 07:00-16:00, Fri 07:00-12:00
CategorySealsHeat insulation works
Melgol Ltd is active in importing, marketing and distributing insulation and sealing materials. The company represents several leading domestic and international companies in these fields, and leads innovation and development in this field, with an emphasis on finding professional solutions for the evolving needs that arise from the execution companies and in general.
The company has a wide variety of materials and solutions that are used by its customer base, which includes leading construction companies, sealing contractors and private customers.
Melgol has several storage facilities with large inventories and cross-country distribution capabilities, which enable the customers to receive the requested products within 24 hours.