Cities and Villages: All Israel

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Public organizations

Netivot (23)
  1. Al Na Rafa Keren transplant funding
    9 Harab Uziel, Netivot 8773443, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9933705
  2. Arazi Kiryat Sefer Torah (NPA)
    10 Vardimon Itzhak, NETIVOT 8775108, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9763737
  3. Branch meeting
    NETIVOT, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9944260
  4. Brit Shalom and Hesed of Netivot
    241 Yerushalaim Blvd., NETIVOT 8774900, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9944444
  5. Hahamat Shlomo Institutions Named After HaRav HaTzaddik Rabi Shlomo Peretz Zatzokal (NPA)
    5 Nachal Vardit, NETIVOT 8782513, Israel
    Phone +972-3-7565780
  6. Hassid organization Yosef named after Yosef Yaacobi
    NETIVOT, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9948303
  7. Hayei Yosef - Netivot
    NETIVOT 87746, Israel
    Phone +972-50-4100100
  8. Kadosh Israel Netivot (NPA)
    9 Harab Mazuz, Netivot 8781205, Israel
    Phone +972-54-8425511
  9. Kol Issashar (NPA)
    1134 Hazani, NETIVOT 8774446, Israel
    Phone +972-52-7621697
  10. Learning and teaching and to keep paths and environment
    1337 Jabotinsky, NETIVOT 8774140, Israel
    Phone +972-52-7693070
  11. Light Gardens Netivot
    27 Harab Abuhatzera, NETIVOT 8773622, Israel
    Phone +972-54-6677247
  12. Shemesh for everyone - immigrants for social justice
    123 Netaim, Netivot 87801, Israel
    Phone +972-54-5260067
  13. Sound Yehudit
    NETIVOT 80200, Israel
    Phone +972-8-6839407
  14. The institutions of Israel
    24 Ben Gurion, Netivot 8774624, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9930408
  15. The Lord's Way
    60 Cheil Handasa, NETIVOT 8780560, Israel
    Phone +972-54-8491214
  16. The Orr and Chesed Enterprises (RA)
    65 Shivtei Israel, NETIVOT 8773703, Israel
    Phone +972-52-2718154
  17. Theory - live - Netivot
    80200, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9945081
  18. Water Haim - Tafrah
    NETIVOT, Israel
    Phone +972-50-7995690
  19. Writ of Netivot (RA)
    44 hrb. Gershonovitz, NETIVOT 8780456, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9933897
  20. Yeladei Bracha
    NETIVOT 86200, Israel
    Phone +972-8-9943535